Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Morning!

Hey dad! I thought I'd say good morning to you. I hope you're having a good day. So far my day is great.
I slept pretty good last night. I got up at 2 and 6 again. I didn't eat very much at those times, but I was hungry enough to wake mommy up. I finally got out of bed at 8:30. Mom got me dressed (it was a good thing, cuz I had decided to pee through my diaper...) and fed me at 9. I was SO happy this morning! I was talking to mommy and moving all over the place! Mom had to watch Keira while Aunt Renae, Uncle Josh, Caleb and Chloe went out to play in the snow. I sat in the swing and watched mom feed Keira with this weird thing she kept putting in her mouth. I think mom called it a spoon...I wonder if I will ever use one of those...
Aunt Renae came in and took Keira and the rest of the kids to Great Grandma's house. Mom said that we might go over there later. We'll's pretty windy and cold out. Maybe we'll drive over. After they left, mommy and I played on the floor for a little bit longer. I went on my belly again for a while. I'm getting stronger, and I don't hate it QUITE as much. I still don't like it very much. Mom was helping me roll over. I think that is the next thing I will try and learn to do.
I played for a while, and now I'm worn out! I'm sitting in the swing, and I think I will take a quick nap. I'll be sure to write more later. Mom hasn't taken any pictures yet, but when she does, I'll make sure she sends some to you.
Have a good day at work!
I love you!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It snowed today!

Hey daddy. Today was a pretty nice day. We didn't do a whole lot. I slept pretty good last night. I got up at 2 and at 6, and then I slept unitl 9! Mom was pretty glad to sleep in a little bit. I got up and hung out for a little while, playing on the floor and in my swing for a little bit.At noon we went to Burger King. Mom fed me right away when we got there, because I was pretty hungry. She used that 'hooter hider' and it worked great! I ate, and grandpa got mom some lunch. I've decided that I kind of like fast food every once in a while :) We stayed there for a long time because all of my cousins were playing in the play area. Mom held me for a while, but I fell asleep for about 20 minutes. She set me down in my car seat, because I am getting so heavy.
When we got home I ate again, because it was already 3:00. My cousin Chloe was running a fever, so Aunt Renae had to take her to the doctor. Her fever was pretty high (about 103 degrees!) and her eyes still looked really bad. She went to the doctor and he said she has pink eye and a cold. Hopefully she will get better soon.
Mom tried to get me to go to sleep, but I wasn't tired. I finally fell asleep in my swing for about an hour, but everyone got loud, so I woke up.
Everyone had spagetti for dinner, and then I got to eat. I played for a while. I am getting really good at kicking my legs around and moving my arms. I move A LOT, and mommy really likes watching me. Grandpa played with me for a while tonight too. He's pretty fun.
I am getting better at following objects that pass close to my eyes. There is a red crab toy that mom holds close to my eyes and I turn my head and watch it go by. My mommy can't believe how fast I am learning! She is also amazed that those long sleeved onesies that you bought right before we came to Michigan are almost too small on me! I'm growing so fast!
Mom made my doctor's appointment for January 14, so we'll see how big I've gotten.
I ate at 8:00 and then mom put me to bed at 8:30. Hopefully I will sleep for a long time, cuz I hardly slept all day today. I'll let you know how I did tomorrow!
By the way, I was really glad to hear your voice tonight. I sure miss you. Mom gave me a 'dink' tonight, but it wasn't the same. I miss my 'daddy dinks' and hearing 'Jingle Bell Rock'...
I hope you have a good night. I miss you!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Another windy day

Hey Dad! How are you today? I'm pretty good, except I was pretty tired all day. I took lots of naps. I was sleeping for a little while in my bed, but I woke up and then slept for a long time in my swing. I really like that swing, and am hoping that when I get home I have one just like it :) This morning I got to go with mom and her sisters out to coffee at the coffee shop in Sandusky. It was pretty fun (except I slept for most of it) Mom got a chai tea latte, and boy did it taste good a little later when I got to drink it :) After that we went to Aunt Randee's house and got to see it. It was very pretty. I saw the carpet I want to crawl around on when we get our new house. It was so soft, and uncle Johnny said it was really durable. Mom forgot to take pictures of that, so you're going to have to use your imagination.

One kind of bad thing is that everyone seems to be getting sick :( Chloe has had a fever for two days now, and now Julean has one too. Today Chloe was checking to see if her baby had a fever...the doll didn't...Hopefully everyone will get feeling better soon. Aunt Kristi is sick now too. I hope my mom doesn't get sick! She's washing her hands a lot, and making sure I stay clean. I played for quite a while on the floor today. I really like to watch my cousins play...They are very entertaining. Mom helped get dinner ready, so I got a chance to play with grandma tonight. I like doing that a lot. We went out to the pool house for dinner. It was SO WINDY!!! When we went outside I turned my head right into the wind, and it took my breath away! Don't worry, though. It came back. It scared me though. Good thing uncle Rick was helping mom get to the pool, cuz it was pretty dark. We had a big turkey dinner, and grandma held me the whole time...well...until she set me down on the table :) I really like to lay on my back and look around, so it was pretty fun.

After dinner mom and I came in and I took a bath. I was pretty dirty, because I hadn't had a chance to get a bath for a couple of days. I smell so good and clean now. I got my pj's on and played for a little while longer on the floor

After I played for a little while great grandpa and grandma came in and they held me for a little while. I was pretty tired, though, and kinda cried a lot. I was glad mom finally got a picture of me with them.

I thought this picture was pretty funny. Aunt Kristi had to clean Julean's face and she had to trap him down. I wonder if I will ever hate getting my face clean... After all this was done, mom and I went to our room and I tried to eat, but I was so tired, I only ate for about 5 minutes. I will probably get up early tonight. (I forgot to tell you! I slept until 5:00 this morning! That's the longest I've ever slept! Unfortunately the power went out for a long time, and when I woke up I was pretty cold, so mom put me in bed with her and I got all warmed up. The whole town of Deckerville didn't have power.)

This video (that is taking forever to download) is a video of my attempt at crawling. Mom is making me be on my belly for a while every day. She says it will make me stronger. I like it for a little while, but I get mad, so I cried a little bit, but I thought you would like to hear me cry :)

I love you very much, daddy! I miss you so much, and can't wait for you to hold me in one week!
...well...I've been waiting for a very long time to upload this video...This last attempt has been for 45 minutes, so I guess this won't work for some reason. It was a cute video too...Sorry. I guess we will have to try skype tomorrow.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hello Daddy!

Hey dad! I just thought you would like to see some pictures of what I've been doing. I sure miss fact, I'm pretty sure that's why I'm not sleeping very well at night...I miss getting my goodnight kiss from daddy.

Yesterday we went to see my great grandpa. It was pretty fun...except I slept most of the time. I also met my great aunt and uncle. They were pretty nice.

I've been having fun with my cousins. They are pretty fun to watch. I just lay on the floor, and watch them run around. Keira likes to play with me sometimes...but don't is right there to make sure I don't get hurt :)

I'm really enjoying my swing. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster! I try not to fall asleep in it, but sometimes I do. Oh well.

Today we went to church. It was a nice church, but I decided to cry the whole time. I guess I was just mad that nobody was speaking baby language. I was also kinda mad because when mom changed my diaper she let me stick my foot in my poopy diaper. Good thing she had an extra pair of socks in the diaper bag! We came home and grandma made pizza, except she burned it. It was okay though. Then I took a VERY long nap. Mom was pretty happy, cuz I was pretty tired and cranky. When I got up I played for a long time and then I went to bed at 8:30.

Well, I should probably get going. I thought I'd leave you with a video so you can see how cute I am, and I tried and tried to load it, but it wouldn't load...I'll try again tomorrow. Grandma said that sometimes at night it takes a long time to load. oh well...

I love you daddy!