Friday, March 25, 2011

A Pretty Girl to Brighten Your Day!

Mommy said that when my brother takes an early nap (12:30!) she likes to play with the I thought I'd be extra cute to feed into her obsession.
Can't wait until you're home!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sittin' on your shoulder...

Hey daddy. Wish I was here:
Or here:

Mommy's keepin' me trapped in my bed, though :(
I hope you have a good day. I love you!
~Love, Mr. Foochie

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Morning!

Hey. Just thought I'd say hello. Thought I'd let you know that I had a super fun time with you this weekend. I wish I could spend EVERY day with you like that!

I love you very much and hope you have a great day at work! I wish I was sittin' on your shoulders!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can I get a smile?

Hey dad, wuz up? Mommy said she thought this picture of me playin' would make you smile. Hope your day is going better!
Love you!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Hey dad! Just wanted to say happy birthday. I hope everyone is being nice to you. If they're not, tell them "It's my birthday! Be nice to me!" :)
Mom helped me make this cool sign for you. Then I got to play with it.
I'm trying to give it to you...but you aren't home. So you can have it when you get home.
We're doing good today. We've been playing and reading.
Mom keeps taking my picture, though, and I'm getting tired of it...this is my exasperated look...
We made a little video for you. Enjoy it. Turn it up real loud so the people in the cubicles next to you can hear it :)
I love you!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

One more day 'till daddy comes home!

Hey daddy! I just wanted to say hello. Mommy didn't take any pictures of me today, so there aren't any new pics of me today. I'm not really sure why she didn't take pictures, because I was pretty cute today.
My day was pretty busy again today. I got up at 6 and wanted to eat, but mommy didn't I fell back to sleep. I only cried (and not even very hard) for about 5 minutes before I decided to go back to sleep, so it wasn't too bad. I got up again at 8 and mommy let me eat then. I went to school with mom and hung out while she taught her class. I'm so excited about next Tueday when YOU watch me while mommy teaches. I think it will be a super fun daddy day. After mom was done with her class and her meeting we went to Abuela's house.
We had such a fun time! I was happy and smiling almost the whole time! We got there at 2 and I ate and then played with grandma. Grandma has a SUPER soft blanket that I laid on while we played. I liked it so much that when mom put me on my belly I snuggled up to it instead of hating being on my belly. Mom says it's like a blue one we have at home, but I've never been on it...maybe she can get it out for me tomorrow.
I took a nap at 4 and then got up around 5-that's when Abuelo got home. We had dinner together, and I talked the WHOLE time. It was fun. Mommy ate pork chops and rice-I can't wait to taste that! She got heartburn, though, so hopefully it won't upset my stomache!
I fell asleep on the way home, so when we got home mom woke me up and played with me for a little while. I took my bath a little later, and didn't get to bed until about 8:30. Don't tell mom that I snuck over to the computer while she wasn't looking and am writing this. I promise I'll go right back to bed :)
Best part of today: Going to Abuela's house
Worst part of today: Not even getting to TALK to daddy!
I'm so excited to see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Look what I did today!

Hello daddy! I hope you had a good day. Mommy said you did some cool stuff. I'm thinking we need to get one of those showers here at home-I would REALLY like it! Can I have it? Please, please, please, please,pleasepleasepleaseplease...Mommy said to stop begging...
Today has been a good day, but pretty busy. I got up at 5 and ate then went back to bed. When I got up at 8 I ate again, but I wasn't really hungry. I really should stop getting up at 5 so I'm super hungry at 8...oh well. I like seeing mommy at 5.
We went to the park, and it was pretty fun. There were a whole bunch of other kids there! Most of them are older, though, and they were playing on the playground. I watched them for a while and then hung out with mommy while she talked to some of her new friends.
We came home and mommy tried to get me to take a nap. It didn't work. I showed her! Except, because I didn't take a nap, I fell asleep while I was eating and didn't get to eat as I guess she showed me...
We played for a little while-that's what these pictures are from.
Mommy laughed at this one...she said something about a bird, but I don't see a bird in the you know what she's talking about? You'll have to let me know if you do...
I finally decided to take a nap at 3:45. I slept until 4:30 and then mommy and I went over to Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jenny's house. It was pretty fun. We ate dinner with them. Carly kept pulling my little bug thing on my car seat, and I was completely entertained. Uncle Ryan played with me for a while-he was teaching me to do sit-ups. I'm workin' on my six pack. Then they were watching videos on You need to check that site's pretty funny.
We came home and I took a bath, ate, and went to bed.
The best part of today: Seeing Uncle Ryan, Aunt Jenny, Ben and Carly.
The worst part of today: Not getting a goodnight kiss from you :(
I can't wait until you get home!
I love you!